
Deviation means the curvature of the cartilage-bone wall in the middle of the nose. The curvature of the nasal bone and cartilage is accompanied by many discomfortable conditions such as nasal congestion and headache in particular. The patient may feel that he/she cannot breathe adequately through the nose, and his/her mouth may feel dry and rusty after waking up in the morning. Deviation may contribute to snoring, lead to pharyngitis, and pave the way for sinusitis and nasal bleeding by causing constant mouth breathing.

In deviation operations, the basic principle is to correct the curvature of the cartilage-bone inside the nose, by protecting the support at the front of the nose and on the nasal ridge. The lower age limit for deviation surgery is 18. However, it has been seen to be performed at younger ages in certain cases. After a deviation surgery that takes 1 hour on average, the patient is discharged the same day. Nasal packs are not used in a deviation surgery. Thanks to the hilotherapy mask, no postoperative swelling, bruising or pain is experienced. The patient can completely return to his/her social and business life on the 5th day after surgery.

Performing an aesthetic operation in conjunction with a deviation operation is a common practice. If the patient is not satisfied with the appearance of his/her nose, the nose can be given a form in harmony with the face, during a deviation surgery to be performed.