Chin Reshaping (Genioplasty)

Genioplasty has an important place among plastic surgery procedures. Noticing and evaluating the aesthetic problems about the chin, and solving them with appropriate approaches create positive effects on facial appearance.

In all faces considered to be attractive, there is a structural symmetry and balance between the elements constituting the facial skeleton. A well-balanced facial skeleton can be possible with the availability of three dimensional harmony and right aesthetic ratios between the bones that constitute the face. Accordingly, the chin should be evaluated based on its neighboring anatomical structures such as the lips, teeth and nose. Correction of aesthetic problems in the chin structure provides harmony between the structures constituting the face, and also makes a positive contribution to the appearance of the mouth, lips and nose. Therefore, evaluation of the chin structure and solving also aesthetic problems about the chin for better aesthetic results are recommended to all patients, who request aesthetic surgical intervention in their facial regions.

Surgical treatment of chin deformities is administered as implant procedures or advancement or setback of the bone structures that constituting the gonion, with various methods. Implants with different structures placed at the tip of the chin successfully augment the chin in the lower facial area and front-rear plane; however, they may remain incapable for augmentations in the upper-lower and left-right planes, and therefore, different surgical interventions may need to be made on the jaw bones for these purposes.

For patients who do not want to be operated for the correction of the chin located behind the imaginary line called the nasal root, nasal base, and jawline, it is possible to position the chin forward by performing a filling procedure. It is possible to enable the recessed chin to look more prominent, by using fillers applied to other regions of the face, which are more voluminous and have longer lasting effects (longer than 18 months on average).