Who should perform rhinoplasty? Is rhinoplasty within the scope of otorhinolaryngology or plastic surgery?
ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) specialists dedicated to this and developed themselves and studied hard on this can perform these surgical operations.
What are the latest approaches to rhinoplasty?
In recent years, Piezo surgery, electric instruments and radiofrequency procedures intended for filing bone structures are commonly utilized in rhinoplasty. These are today's most advanced techniques. For the surgeon, the most appropriate way is to determine the ideal procedure in accordance with the patient's condition.
What is the first step in rhinoplasty?
At least two interviews are made with the patient before the surgery, for planning the surgery and telling the patient about the process to be experienced. The operation-related questions in the mind of the patient are answered. It is an important detail to prepare the patient for the operation by making interviews with him/her on the day of the preparation and just before it to confirm the answers given to the questions in his/her mind.
What are experienced after rhinoplasty?
The splint and silicone packs are removed from the patient on the 7th postoperative day. The patient keeps the bandage in place for 3 to 4 days. When we reach the 10th day, the patient's nose remains uncovered. The nose completes 50% of the recovery within the first month. The remaining 50% of the recovery is achieved within a period between 6 and12 months. The patient continues to go for follow-up controls in the 1st, 3rd, and 6th postoperative months and 1st and 2nd postoperative years.
What is rhinoplasty without nasal packing?
Many people avoid having a surgical operation due to the fear and nightmare of nasal packs used in nasal deviation surgery. However, this situation no longer exists. Silicone nasal packs are used after septoplasty and rhinoplasty operations. In this way, a more rapid wound healing is achieved, and a nasal packing effect is created without using nasal packs and without the risk of bleeding.
Is it normal to have swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty?
Bruises that appear after rhinoplasty are caused by blood leaks into tissues under the skin, which occur when performing osteotomy (bone cutting) during the process of reshaping the bone structure. Bruise does not develop if the bone structure is not intervened in.
What are the complications and risks that may occur after rhinoplasty?
Despite being rare, excessive bleeding may be observed within a few hours after rhinoplasty. In such a case, the patient should notify his/her physician and ask for help without panicking.
Will I have noticeable surgical scars after rhinoplasty?
Since incisions and sutures rhinoplasty are made in a much more controlled manner, they are difficult to notice. Open nose operations leave a small surgical scar. In endonasal (closed) rhinoplasty operations, all scars remain inside the nose because incisions are made there.
What are the points to take into consideration after rhinoplasty?
Following the physician's advices (such as nutrition, applying cold compress with ice, lying position ...) and using the medicines completely.