How to be protected from school-age diseases?


With the end of the summer vacation, millions of children started the school. In these days that coincide with the season of autumn, when schools are opened, the risk of colds and flu infections increases. Stating that the school term is a process that brings order and discipline, Surgeon Dr. Alpaslan Yildirim said “Children’s sleep and diet order change during the summer vacation.
Therefore, children who start the school should get well prepared for the school period, in terms of sleep, nutrition and hygiene. The risk of seasonal diseases should be avoided.” Dr. Yildirim stating that with the opening of schools and kindergartens, children get close contact with their friends, and this causes diseases to spread easily, said “Children need to constantly struggle with recurrent diseases when they start the school.

Such diseases are not limited to common colds, but also lead to nasal obstruction and ear-related complaints.” Dr. Yildirim stating that no common cold should be overlooked, said “Disease symptoms should not be overlooked. If the problem does not go away within 5 days, an otorhinolaryngologist should be consulted.”

Patients with allergies should be more careful!

Stating that some children are in risk groups of respiratory tract diseases, Dr. Yildirim said, “Patients with allergies should be more careful. It is because patients with allergies can get through a process within 7 to 10 days, while other patients get through the same process within 2 to 3 days. In this process, allergy patients should keep taking their routine drugs without ignoring them. The monthly or bimonthly follow-up controls should be performed by an ENT specialist or allergists.”

Consider these warnings to protect yourself from diseases.

Dr. Yildirim listed what should be taken into consideration for being protected from diseases during the school period, as follows:
1- Children’s awareness of diseases should be risen. If they have a patient friend, they should be warned to avoid contact them too closely
2- Children’s diet should be paid attention to. It is required to start eating a green vegetable-based diet, instead of carbohydrate-based diets. Plenty of fruit, vegetables and water should be consumed
3- Regular sleep routine should be paid attention to.
4- Hygiene should be taken care of, especially the hands should be washed frequently. Children should not go to school with wet hair after a shower
5- Lastly, children should take supplements intended for recovering the immune system.